Are You Supposed to Drain Pastina? A Comprehensive Guide

Part 1: Understanding Pastina

Italian cuisine features Pastina, a type of pasta smaller than usual. Its soft texture and small size make it a popular choice for children’s meals and a common ingredient in soups. To fully appreciate its culinary value, you should understand what pastina is and how various recipes use it. Our article on Mastering Pastina Recipe offers more information.

Pastina originated from Italy and has gained worldwide popularity due to its versatility and ease of cooking. You can find it in soups, salads, and even as a side dish. If you’re interested in the ingredients that make up this delightful pasta, our article on Unveiling the Ingredients in Pastina: An Italian Comfort Food provides more details.

Part 2: Cooking Pastina – Are You Supposed to Drain Pastina?

Cooking pastina traditionally is similar to other types of pasta. You boil it in water until it softens. However, a debate exists on whether to drain pastina after cooking. Some people prefer to drain pastina after cooking, similar to how you prepare larger pasta types. They believe that draining removes excess starch, which can make the pasta sticky. However, others do not drain pastina, believing that the starchiness adds to the flavor and texture of the dish.

If you decide to drain your pastina, make sure to use a strainer with small enough holes so that the pasta does not fall through. Alternatively, you can cook pastina with just enough water or broth that it absorbs most of it, eliminating the need for draining.

Part 3: FAQs – Are You Supposed to Drain Pastina and Other Questions

  • Do I drain pastina? The decision to drain pastina largely depends on personal preference. Some people prefer to drain it to remove excess starch, while others do not.
  • How do you reheat pastina? You can reheat pastina in a microwave or on a stovetop. Remember to add a little water or broth to prevent it from drying out.
  • What kind of pasta is pastina? Pastina is a type of pasta that is smaller than usual. It comes in various shapes and sizes.
  • What is the difference between pastina and acini de pepe? Both are types of small pasta. Their main difference lies in their shape. Pastina can come in various shapes, while acini de pepe is typically round.
  • Can you cook pastina without draining? Yes, you can cook pastina without draining. This method often involves using just enough water or broth that the pasta can absorb it all.

Part 4: Recipes and Variations – Are You Supposed to Drain Pastina in These Recipes?

You can enjoy pastina in numerous ways. Here are some recipes and variations you can try:

  • Classic Italian Pastina Recipe: This simple recipe requires you to cook pastina in broth and season it with salt and pepper.
  • Pastina with Butter and Milk Recipe: This comforting dish involves cooking pastina with butter and milk, resulting in a creamy texture.
  • Pastina with Egg and Cheese Recipe: In this recipe, you combine pastina with egg and cheese for a rich and hearty dish.
  • Pastina Soup Recipe: Adding pastina to soups enhances the texture and makes the soup more filling.

If you’re looking for more recipe ideas, our Easy Ground Beef Recipes with Few Ingredients can provide more inspiration for your next meal. For more information on whether you’re supposed to drain pastina or not, check out this resource.


In conclusion, the question of whether to drain pastina depends on the desired outcome of your dish and personal preference. Pastina can be cooked in two main ways: draining like traditional pasta or cooking it in a smaller amount of liquid, essentially allowing it to absorb most of the liquid. Draining pastina results in a drier texture, similar to regular pasta, and works well when you plan to mix it with sauces or use it in recipes like pasta salads. On the other hand, cooking pastina in less liquid produces a softer, more porridge-like consistency, which is ideal for recipes like soups or broths.

Ultimately, there’s no one-size-fits-all answer when it comes to draining pastina. It’s important to consider the specific dish you’re preparing and the desired texture and flavor you want to achieve. By following these guidelines and experimenting with different cooking methods, you can enjoy pastina in a way that suits your taste and culinary goals. Whether you choose to drain it or not, pastina remains a versatile and delightful addition to a wide range of dishes.



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